Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Everything you need to know to not make mistakes when choosing suit

When it comes to custom made suits, elegance rules will have to be met exactly, both in formal events, as in casual.

At the time of choosing your suit, careful not to let the pants get too large so you do not appear to be the size that it is, and let cloth left over is never cool. The ideal length of the pants is 1 cm above the heel, and flat or folded in the Italian style. The color of the suit and pants must be the same, never mix two parts of different patterns. If in doubt when the choice of tie, choose the diagonal stripes with options that are stylish and targeted enforcement, the tie length must be knocking on the belt, which should always be the same color of the shoe. Already socks should match the color of the pants, not the shoe.


The jacket may favor their biotype if you choose the right way, paying attention to and buttoned lapels:

If you are quietly, may increase your silhouette by choosing a suit one button, which is kind of hard in the Brazilian market, therefore, adopt the 2 buttons that buttoned properly, will elongate your torso.

Skinny people can bet on double-breasted, our jacket, this style coming back into fashion, but I would not recommend it for first-timers, because it is difficult to keep buttoned with elegance.

For those who are overweight, 2 button suit, as the 1 button, helps lengthen and conceal excess at deep V that provides the lapel. A shirt with a lighter color than the jacket also slims.

  For the tall and strong, suit 3 button helps to disguise the silhouette because the divides in two, calling attention to the one button buttoned properly, the middle.

There are also rules time buttoning his suit: the jacket 1 button, this can be buttoned or unbuttoned when seated, now 2 buttons, the top one should be buttoned. The LOW, EVER.

 As for colors, for the job, the ideal are the gray suits, navy blue is also a good choice, in this case, the traditional lapels will do the trick. For an evening event, black is unbeatable, navy blue can also be used. When in doubt, leave the lightest to the darkest day and for night.

All of our suits are made using a couture muslin technique

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